Monday, September 9, 2024


August 30, 2024 was a good day for us.

Mark had a full comprehensive cranial spinal MRI, which came back all clear, praise God.

We are now nearly 10 years post-diagnosis, and about 9 years post-treatment. Huge milestones.

Mark is now 20 years old, and as such this is going to be the last post on this blog, unless he chooses to add to it himself at any point in the future, or asks us to. I got his permission to post this update, but he is of course in charge of his own privacy as an adult to share or not share anything as he sees fit, going forward.

So, thank you all so much, from the deepest well of my soul, for your thoughts, prayers, assistance, support, and for anything you have changed in your life or in your interactions or giving that was positively influenced by the journey our family traveled.

May the Lord bless you and keep you all.

Thank you.


  1. What a JOYOUS update! Best. News. Ever. We celebrate with you.

  2. Congratulations! Well Done

  3. So wonderful to hear
