Saturday, March 14, 2015

A narrative by Wendi

Copied (with permission) from a text message.


And it's great here, it's just the room is on the second floor (1st floor is huge, tall atrium style ceilings), but everything is downstairs. Ice, drinking water, food, laundry. So I go downstairs to get ice water and a cup of ice for Mark. Come back up, Bella wants some now. Back down. Partway down realize there was medicine in the room that needs to go down to the fridge. Get the water, back upstairs. Mark wants a pickle now. Go down to find pickles, remember I need to switch laundry (that I started at 5:30 this morning) because if you leave it too long they'll page you. Put one load in the basket. The other load will require a second trip. Go looking through the fridge for pickles. Find some, grab a plate and fork, walk to the dining room to have table space to get a pickle out. Go put them back away. Realize can't take the pickle and the laundry up together, so take pickle up. Head back down to get laundry, realize I still haven't grabbed the medicine to take downstairs. Get the laundry again and notice the buffet breakfast is almost gone, so put laundry down and grab some eggs. Set them with Jim who is eating so we can trade out. Get back upstairs. Mark likes the pickles and wants more. And Bella would like some pancakes. Dump the laundry on the bed. Head back downstairs, finally remembering the medicine. Dispatch Jim to get pancakes and take them to Bella. Go get the rest of the laundry in the basket, but it's too heavy, plus I'll have pickles again.  Leave it in the laundry room for Jim to get. Go get pickles (fridge, dining room, back again). Notice that while Jim and I have been gone someone cleaned our table and threw away my eggs. Take pickles upstairs. Find Bella in bed, not eating pancakes, not hungry anymore. Head back down to get new eggs. Sit and eat eggs. And each trip involves dialogue and questions and how are you and "Mommy look at this, look at this, look at this".


  1. Hello Frank, You are sure logging the miles! ! ! ! A great Dad for your son and family. I wish I could be there and run some of the errands. I know all of Mark's Caring Bridge people feel the same way. We have 20 Rhode Island Red Chickens. Wish I could send you some EGGS so that you can make them whenever you want to. LOL.

    By Joe Russo — Mar 19, 2015 7:27am

  2. Oh Wendi! Oh my gosh...perfect picture the way you put it. Oh heart goes out to you. Blessed Mother place your gentle arms around Wendi bearing her up.

    By Leslie Alexander — Mar 18, 2015 5:06am

  3. Praying for God to give you strength.

    By Judy Straub — Mar 17, 2015 4:28pm

  4. oh dear, how exhausting! Big hugs! I wish I could be there to help you!

    By Aunt Karen — Mar 14, 2015 5:22pm

  5. Isn't motherhood fun? Remember, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

    By Much love, Mom/Grandma — Mar 14, 2015 3:32pm

  6. This is a hard thing. May Christ sustain you and give you strength.

    By Marliss Bombardier — Mar 14, 2015 3:26pm
